The Real Wasted Vote: A Case Against the Uniparty
While many would consider the Republican and Democratic parties as separate political entities that are at odds with each other, the reality is that these parties are the same institution pretending to be two separate entities to give the illusion of democracy and choice. Their goal is to maintain their power to keep the cash flowing. This short booklet gives criticism of the two-party system in America and how we can and should build alternative outside of its clutches.
I created this book to put ideas and thoughts onto paper in an easily digestible form with the booklet being only 29 pages long. There is much discussion in political spaces on how we dismantle the two-party system with the most common conclusion being that voting reform be it ranked choice voting, proportional representation, etc. is the pathway towards change. However, what I argue is that the two-party system is a psychological mentality within the American population with the most common mentality being the wasted vote myth that voting outside of the system is wasting your vote. As long as the psychological fallacy that ruins hope for real change maintains its strength, the status quo shall prevail.